Boeken English Fotoblog

His Boring-Ass Life

This thick and funny diary by the one and only Kevin Smith came out ten years ago. This is a first printing from 2007 I read from cover to cover.

Smith is one of the funniest guys around, but more importantly, a lot of his films have brighten my days and inspired me to write my own books. Like My Buddy Spider-Man that came out a few months ago (only in Dutch -so far). Anyway, thank you Kevin Smith for showing this little fucker from Amsterdam that one must follow one’s own nerdy path and thank you for making Clerks, Clerks 2 (one of if not the best movie on male friendships), the wonderful Chasing Amy (one of the best flicks about love and male-female relationships) and Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back – that last one because who’d thought that flick was even a possibilty and for Carrie Fisher as the non that almost got eaten out by Jay.

I bow to you, sir.