English Strips

Dagboek van een Geek #5: My Favorite X-Men

My buddy Melvin from @dirtees wanted to know who my favorite X-Man is. Well, I’ve always liked #rogue a lot.


1: She started out as a bad guy, er… bad girl and redeemed herself and became a hero.
2. She has great powers.
3. She looks great and has a sexy accent.
4. She kicked Captain Marvel’s ass. And if one holier than thou character should get her ass kicked every once in a while, it’s Carol Danvers.

Having said that, I also love X-Men: Storm, Kitty Pryde and Wolverine. If you’d put a gun to my head and make me choose between these mutants, I’d say Wolverine is my all time favorite. But since I don’t think anyone finds this matter important enough to threaten me with a gun, you’ll have to accept the answer that I love all four of the mentioned characters.

Rogue op Wolverine

Door Michael Minneboo

Michael Minneboo is een freelance journalist gespecialiseerd in popcultuur, fancultuur, strips, film, online media en beeldcultuur. Hij schrijft over onder andere comics, Nederlandse strips & animatie en interviewt makers uit binnen- en buitenland. Daarnaast geeft hij lezingen en adviseert hij particulieren en bedrijven over bloggen.